Here are a few short stories about what St. Mary’s is doing for our clients during this difficult Coronavirus time.
Everyone needs a comforter: One of our clients went from homelessness to finding an apartment but she spent weeks sleeping on a bare mattress. St. Mary’s was able to purchase bedding to make her life a bit more comfortable.
Therapeutic tools: During this time of staying at home, many clients need therapeutic tools to increase the likelihood they can be maintained in their homes and avoid being hospitalized. We have purchased Amazon gift cards to buy family games to increase positive family time together, sports supplies to increase safe access to the outdoors, and art supplies to provide a therapeutic and safe outlet for clients to express themselves.
St. Mary’s is so grateful for all the donors who have contributed to our mission to help clients like those above and for helping us to shore up our budget during this tough time. Donate NOW or to learn of other ways you can support our kids, email Vangy Auclair , Development Officer.
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