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A severe workforce crisis has hit human services organizations in Rhode Island which is putting children and youth in danger of not receiving services they need.

St. Mary’s Home for Children, along with 70 other non-profit human services organizations, signed a letter sent to the Rhode Island Governor and Legislative members about this crisis and asking that they spend federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to help solve the problems.

The system has been chronically underfunded for years and the pandemic has now propelled it into a crisis situation, destabilizing the system and adversely affecting access to care for thousands of Rhode Islanders.

Low-paid staff are overworked and burning out at record rates. Many agencies are having to decline referrals due to staffing issues, meaning many children and youth will not have access to the care they deperately need.

Please contact your elected representatives and tell them that the human services system needs their help today!

For more information, please read the letter that was sent to elected representaties.