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How St. Mary’s has been helping clients

How St. Mary’s has been helping clients

Here are a few short stories about what St. Mary’s is doing for our clients during this difficult Coronavirus time. Everyone needs a comforter: One of our clients went from homelessness to finding an apartment but she spent weeks sleeping on a bare mattress. St....
How people are helping St. Mary’s

How people are helping St. Mary’s

So many people have stepped forward to help St. Mary’s during this difficult Coronavirus time. Below are a few of the donors’ stories: Helping from home: Boscov’s Department Store in Providence Place Mall is closed like most stores right now but that...
Easter donations and more!

Easter donations and more!

Keeping as much normalcy as possible during this coronavirus crisis is important for the residential kids St. Mary’s cares for. This Easter, Committee member Trisha Lynch and Barrington Book donated 27 Easter Baskets. JoAnn Fabrics donated supplies to be used...
Donor provides this new website

Donor provides this new website

For many years, St. Mary’s Home for Children has needed a new website. Its old website, developed many years ago, was overly busy and made it difficult to find information. It was not the modern communications method our clients and donors require. But hiring someone...